Welcome to WriteKids!

By WriteKids • Established April 28, 2013
  • December 2022, Alexis reads a story from her children's book to TK students at an LAUSD elementary school.
    December 2022, Alexis reads a story from her children's book to TK students at an LAUSD elementary school.

Dear Young Writers,

I am excited to announce some happy news! WriteKids launched our fourth international writing contest in Nepal with resounding success. Over 350 stories were submitted. Once again, the judges and I were impressed by these industrious teenagers: Their creativity and enthusiastic spirit were clearly evident through their storytelling. Additionally, WriteKids is pleased to announce donations to St. Xavier’s Schools in Jawalakhel and Godavari, Nepal.

On the homefront, our workshop “Dance Your Words” has impacted over 300 children. In 2019, I created “Dance Your Words” to approach literacy through an active, kinesthetic learning method. It has been most fulfilling to watch my vision come to life as laughter fills the air. The children are improving their reading comprehension and writing skills, all while having fun; That’s what it’s all about! With the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, I’m thrilled to report that we have resumed this interactive workshop.

On my recent visit to an LAUSD elementary school in December 2022, I read Transitional Kindergarten(TK) students a story from the children’s book I authored, The Sky’s the Limit. I then got their imaginations running free by encouraging them to pretend to be characters in my story.  It was a blast seeing dialogue and feeling expressed through gestures and creative movements.  This is when the room came alive in real time!  We ended the day with an upbeat hip hop song where the kids listened for key words while following my dance moves, twirling, spinning, and laughing all the way through! It was such a pleasure to be a part of the moment.  After dancing, I encouraged the children to listen to their teachers, study hard, and reach for their dreams. After all, the sky’s the limit!

The months of summer promise to be equally eventful with visits to schools, book donations, and Dance Your Words workshops in summer camps and libraries in underserved areas of Los Angeles County. Our goal with the book donations, which includes The Sky’s the Limit, is to send every child home with a book to enjoy, since it is statistically proven that exposure to books at home correlates to higher literacy rates for children.

We have even more big plans for WriteKids in 2023! This year, we plan to promote childhood literacy in new countries. WriteKids will reach out to children in India and the Philippines with our online writing contests. I will certainly keep you updated on this new exciting adventure.

Thank you for visiting the WriteKids website and for your support to promote childhood literacy both locally and internationally. Keep on reading, writing, and dreaming!



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